Tencent insisted it was a technical problem caused by delays in account transfers on the Alipay side, which negatively affects the user experience on its QQ betting site. 腾讯坚称,此举缘起一个技术问题,即QQ彩票的用户在用支付宝充值后不能及时到账,严重影响用户体验。
Yet, these environmental and technical changes occurred during the project and had to be taken into account within the system being built. 然而,这些环境和技术变化通常会发生在项目进行过程中,你不得不在正在构建的系统中考虑到这些因素。
There may be a technical error within your account. 帐户内部可能出现了技术故障。
AGLOCO will have to add the technical ability to transfer hours to each Member's account database before the ability to sell will be possible. AGLOCO不得不增加技术的能力,以实现成员之间买卖小时数的可能。
In designing, delivering and evaluating technical assistance, the different levels of development of various countries should be taken into account. 在拟定、提供和评估技术援助的过程中,要考虑到各个国家不同的发展水平。
A Technical Solution to Data-checking for BSS Account System 一种实现BSS帐务系统数据检测的技术方案
It is critical that business goals and technical issues and requirements be taken into account in the course of design. 在设计过程中考虑商业目标、技术要求与局限十分重要,并不是说设计师必须对涉众和程序员言听计从。
There are many SEO techniques not only from a technical level, these technologies have to take into account the overall marketing of the site. 有很多SEO技巧不能只从技术层面看,而要考虑到这些技术对网站整体营销的影响。
In the design of the structure the loads and additional design requirements given in Annex A of that Technical Specification should be taken into account. 设计建筑物时,“混凝土用紧固件设计”技术标准附录A中提及的荷载和额外设计要求应予以考虑。
This is to ensure that, in formulating our policies, and within the technical constraints that govern our operations, we take fully into account the interests of our community. 此举目的是要确保我们在制定政策时,在制度的技术范围许可下,能够充分考虑到公众的意见及切身利益。
In determining the terms and conditions of the technical assistance, account shall be taken of the stage of development of the requesting members and in particular of the least-developed country members. 在确定技术援助的条款和条件时,应考虑提出请求的成员,特别是最不发达国家成员所处的发展阶段。
This means, inter alia, that conformity assessment procedures shall not be more strict or be applied more strictly than is necessary to give the importing Member adequate confidence that products conform with the applicable technical regulations or standards, taking account of the risks non-conformity would create. 此点特别意味着:合格评定程序或其实施方式不得比给予进口成员对产品符合适用的技术法规或标准所必需的足够信任更为严格,同时考虑不符合技术法规或标准可能造成的风险。
Similarly, a surgeon who is sloppy, is careless, or hurries through an operation can make technical errors that account for the operative complications. 有时,外科医生手术技术上非常成功,但病人的病情严重可导致并发症的发生。
To manage domain names you have won, and for technical support, you will need to access your account at the sponsoring registrar. 要管理的域名,你赢了,和技术支持,您将需要访问赞助登记您的帐户。
At the same time of technical design, problems of machine, software, frock and clamp are taken into account in three technical projects. 在工艺的设计同时,也在三个工艺方案中考虑到机床、软件、工装和夹具的问题。
The delegation said that technical cooperation was not sufficient in itself, unless it took into account the varying levels of development of countries. 该代表团说,除非考虑到各国的不同发展水平,否则单靠技术合作是不够的。
He says it still costs nearly double that price, with the total cost of ownership running into hundreds of dollars more once delivery, taxation and technical support is taken into account. 他表示,目前的生产成本几乎是该价格的两倍,一旦将配送、税收和技术支持成本考虑在内,总价可能达到数百美元。
So, while the package delivery company can achieve technical excellence and good design they will have to take into account the environment as a whole. 因此,尽管包裹快递公司可以达到技术优势和好的设计,他们还要把环境作为整体因素来考虑。
The results show that structure reliability test and assessment on buildings are unlacking in daily technical management for buildings, it must be took into account. 建(构)筑物的可靠性鉴定是已有建筑日常管理工作中不可缺少的环节,应当引起人们的高度重视。
Technical translation practitioners have been looking for a specific translation theory to account for and guide their specific work for many years. 多年来,科技翻译工作者一直在多方寻找一种对口的理论来解释和指导他们这种具有特定目的的翻译工作。
The pivotal problems in the land unknitting work, such as the coordination with other land consolidation and rehabilitation project, the technical standard, the basic method and the account of earthwork quantity of land unknitting, are discussed in this paper. 本文对土地平整与其他土地整理工程的协调问题、土地平整应遵循的技术标准、土地平整的基本方法,特别是土地平整土方量的计算方法等土地平整工程的关键性问题,进行了初步分析。
Based on the cultivating objective of vocational and technical education of higher learning, this article gives a brief account of offering specialities and improving curriculum systems. 本文根据高等职业技术教育的培养目标,简述对高职教育的专业设置,课程体系改进。
During the evaluation of energy resource utilization projects a comprehensive evaluation method should be used with technical, economic, environmental and other related factors being taken into account. 在评价能源动力工程项目时应该采用综合的评价方法,考虑技术、经济和环境等因素。
Technically carried out means to improve audit quality and reduce its risks in the following technical ways: account, internal control system, sampling and computer audit method. 运用帐户入手、内部控制制度测评、抽样及计算机审计方法是“技术”措施。
In 2007, the most medical technical staffs are young and middle-aged, the 20-40-year-old group staff account for 69.6%. 2007年,中青年卫技人员较多,20-40岁组人员合计比例达69.6%。
According to the technical indicators issues and taking into account the requirements of existing devices, the system uses double-conversion of the superheterodyne architecture. 根据课题的技术指标的要求并考虑到现有器件水平,系统采用了超外差二次变频的体系结构。
Network Phishing attacks use both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers 'personal identity data and financial account credentials. 网络钓鱼攻击是指利用社会工程学和技术手段窃取消费者的个人资料以及金融账户身份认证证书。
The technical suitability, function compatibility and regional humanities should be taken into account on the integrated passive thermal insulation and cooling design strategy. 设计策略要兼顾技术适宜性、功能兼容性与地域人文性。
However, most of the airlines have long been accustomed to conventional training models and methods, i.e. providing a repeated fixed training program on a duplicate schedule for pilots with different technical skill levels. Individual differences or diversities are not taken into account during the training. 而航空公司在往常的训练中,采用传统的训练方式,即采用固定的训练程序、相同的训练时次,对不同技术水平的飞行员进行重复训练,缺乏针对性。